The Rocketlane Salesforce integration allows you to automatically create projects and sync data seamlessly between Salesforce and Rocketlane.
The integration helps with streamlining your sales to onboarding handoff. It improves communication and visibility between your sales and onboarding teams by keeping all necessary information such as sales notes, project status, estimated completion date in sync.
- Any objects (including custom objects) can be selected to auto-create projects and for field-sync.
- Field-sync for the selected object and any objects linked via look-up relationships can be used to map to fields in Rocketlane.
Points to note
- The integration can be tested via Sandbox before connecting to Production.
- The integration creates AppEx classes for the triggers and data sync.
List of default input fields
Field | Type |
Status | Picklist (Single)
Values: Cancelled Blocked Proposed In Planning To be Staffed In progress Completed
(The above are default values. However, additional custom values can be added.) |
Start Date | Date |
Due Date | Date |
Annualized Recurring Revenue | Number |
Project Fee | Number |
Project Owner |
Apart from default fields, custom project fields can be added. List of types:
- Text
- Multiline Text
- Number
- Yes/No
- Date
- Single Choice (Single choice picklist)
- Multiple Choice (Multiple choice picklist)
- Single User
- Multiple User
We also have auto-calculated fields (metrics) that can be sent to fields in SFDC. These fields cannot be edited by users. This is the list:
Field | Type |
Blocked Milestones | Number |
Blocked Tasks | Number |
Completed Milestones | Number |
Completed Tasks | Number |
Current Phase Names | Text |
Last Current Phase | Text |
Last Completed Phase Name | Text |
In Progress Milestones | Number |
In Progress Tasks | Number |
Todo Tasks | Number |
Total Tasks | Number |
Todo Milestones | Number |
Total Milestones | Number |
Progress Percent | Alphanumeric |
project URL | Alphanumeric |
ProjectBudgetedHours | Number |
ProjectTrackedHours | Number |
Common data fetched from Salesforce:
- Company Name
- Company Size (SMB/MM/Enterprise)
- Service Type (If you charge for services)
- Subscription (Plan/Bundle, etc.)
- Opportunity Value/Amount/ARR
- CSM/IC (Project Owner)
- Exec Sponsor
- Location/Region
- Contract Start/End Dates
- Industry
- ID (Object ID)
Common data fetched from Rocketlane:
- Project Name
- Project Owner
- Health Notes
- No. of Tasks in each status (blocked tasks, completed tasks, todo tasks, etc)
- No. of Milestones in each status
- Active Phases
- Latest Active Phase
- Placeholder Assignments (Selecting role-based owners for Project tasks)
- Tracked project hours
- Phase metrics
- Overall milestone rating
- Last milestone rating
Important points to note
Custom profile permissions required for an 'Integration User' profile*:
- System Permissions: Manage Custom Permissions, Customize Application, API enabled, Modify Metadata Through Metadata API Functions, View Setup and Configuration, View Roles and Role Hierarchy, Author Apex
- Apex Class access: Needs access to anything starting with 'RL' or 'TestRL' [Note that Apex classes get added with every additional field sync - Should automatically get added to the custom profile]
- Object Settings (and field access): Access levels are required depending on how you have decided to set things up in your Salesforce environment.
*Optional: If the 'System Admin' profile isn't being used.
Field mapping
Every time a new field is added, a few new pieces of code get added into SFDC by the integration user. Check Deployment Status under SFDC setup to ensure components have been successfully installed before testing (few seconds to a few minutes); otherwise, field sync tests will fail and so will automation.
List of APIs we invoke
get Oauth user-info
GET /services/oauth2/userinfosObject APIs
GET /services/data/v52.0/sobjects GET /services/data/v52.0/sobjects/${sObjectType}/describe GET /services/data/v52.0/sobjects/${sObjectType}/${sObjectId} PATCH /services/data/v52.0/sobjects/${sObjectType}/${sObjectId}RemoteSite APIs
POST /services/data/v52.0/tooling/sobjects/RemoteProxy PATCH /services/data/v52.0/tooling/sobjects/RemoteProxy/${remoteSiteId}ApexClass APIs
POST /services/data/v52.0/metadata/deployRequest
Hey! Here's hoping that this support document was useful. You can write to us at [email protected] in case of any queries.